Real-time Data Service
(TEC) Injection Service
GDI offers experienced field operators to efficiently complete a wide array of Coiled Tubing, Smart solutions and Thru Tubing jobs. With over 60 years of combined Thru Tubing, Completions, and operational experience we can offer our customers a wide array of possibilities. Focusing on the area of technology development, we are now combining our extensive field experience with our newest technology tools.
This makes it possible for us to offer some of the most specialized services in the current market. Like the Sand Extraction services, which utilizes the concentric coiled tubing technology to remove sand from the bottom wells to increase their production. Or the Smart-Link field service, which combines tough tooling and electronics to provide real-time downhole information during operations.
Global Dynamics Inc. is committed to developing and manufacturing the highest quality and most reliable downhole technology on the market and providing reliable, innovative and cost-effective solutions and services.
Downhole Technology | Real-Time Downhole Data | Research | Engineering | Development | Manufacturing | Field Operations
It is our goal to achieve continual improvement in health and safety management and performance.